A Way to Wake

This morning I got out of bed and painted first thing.

I haven’t organised my morning this way before. Sometimes I write, but usually only a small amount before getting ready for work. I find that too much writing leaves my head amongst the words and its difficult to focus on the tasks of the day. And too often in the morning I find myself looking at my phone, which is distracting but not engaging.

But I read a brief article about someone who started each day with their weaving – a way of structuring their morning as a gentle start to the day. So I thought I would give it a try. I made a cup of tea, and sat down with some canvas and paint. It was early morning, the street was quiet, the air was cool, and the light was clear. And it was a beautiful way to ease into the day.

I painted for an hour while I woke slowly, then had my breakfast and coffee and headed to work. I think the wordless nature of painting lends itself to this early morning activity. It suits my dreamy state, and the half sleepy feeling of the street outside.

I think I’ll try it again tomorrow.